Work ON Your Security Guard Company, Not IN

Security Guard Companies Must Know The Difference

It’s been a while since I’ve done a blog, so if this is your first time here let me explain what we talk about on these pages. Here at OfficerReports, it is our mission to provide security guard companies with all the resources, knowledge, and tools that we can to make them successful. As part of that mission, I share many of the tips and tricks that I’ve learned over 15+ years of being in the security guard industry.

Many of these tips and tricks I learned the hard way by trying something a dozen times and getting it wrong.


Today I’ll be talking about something that even I continue to struggle with, and that is working ON my business rather than working IN my business.

So how does working IN your business differ from working ON your business? Working IN your business is doing all of the mundane tasks like looking over reports, placing job ads, and all the other “administrative” things that someone else should probably be doing.

I consider working ON your business the strategic, visionary stuff that company owners should be doing on a regular basis. Specifically, when you started your security company, you did it for some reason. Maybe the company that you were working for was providing poor service and you thought that you could do it better, or maybe you wanted to start a company that focused on incorporating technology into security operations.  Whatever the reason, there was this vision that you had for what your company would look like and how it would operate. When you are doing things that enable that vision, you are working ON your business. And it is that vision, that is and should be the guiding light that sustains and drives you.

But unfortunately, it is a common occurrence that as your security guard company grows, you start to lose focus on that vision. Instead, you start to focus on the infinite number of fires that need to be put out or you focus on the exhaustive number of tasks that you need to get done before the end of the day. With these new things to focus on, your vision for your company begins to take a back seat to what needs to be done in the next 5 minutes. 


 Keeping your focus on growing your company can be a very difficult undertaking when you are small company with few support staff. But in order to become the organization and the leader that you want to be, it’s a challenge that you have to take head on and conquer. Please don’t misinterpret this blog as me passing judgment on anyone, because I fall into the whole of working on my business rather than in my business almost daily. 

As an example, I just received a call from a large city here in the US that wants to use our software to manage its security officers. So as part of that process, I have to register OfficerReports as a vendor for the city. But rather than delegating that task, here I am in the office on a Saturday filling out vendor forms. What I should be doing is spending this time thinking about how to accomplish the strategic goals that I’ve set for the company for 2021…oh well.


To close out, I am issuing you the same challenge that I’ve given to myself every year for the past few years. That challenge is to spend at least 2 hours a week working ON your business and not in your business. That 2 hours would consist of you turning off your phone, closing your emails, and going somewhere to think and plan out how you can become the company that you have pictured in your mind.

If you’re interested in how other security guard company owners are managing the challenge of working ON their businesses and not IN their businesses, stay tuned. will be launching our first inaugural Security Guard Company Mastermind Group in Q2 of 2021.  The MasterMind Group will be a group of 7 -10 companies from different markets across the US  that will serve as a peer-to-peer mentoring group that will help solve one another’s problems. We will also have guest speakers who  will present to the group on some aspect of growing their businesses. The speakers will cover a wide range of topics ranging from marketing to understanding your workers compensation insurance policy. Stay tuned…

Download our FREE eBook on Security Guard Company Marketing and Selling!


By Courtney Sparkman is a software company that provides security guard companies with an easy way to monitor their officers, better manage their operations, and win new business. Take a tour of our software to see how we combine Electronic Reporting, Real-Time GPS based Tour Tracking, and GPS based Clock In and Out into one easy to use platform.


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